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intimate waxing guide

Guide To Intimate Waxing

Guide To Intimate Waxing

You don't need to be embarrassed, nervous or self-conscious when it comes to getting your bits stripped.

You do need to know what's what to get a safe and smooth wax.

1: Please prepare before you bare

To get the best results and to achieve silky soft skin, you need to prepare it pre-wax. Gently exfoliate and moisturise a week or two before your salon appointment as this will help the hairs break through, and be easier to be pulled out from the root. You don't need to use anything expensive, just a soft dry body brush or exfoliating scrub.

2: Shaving is the enemy

If you want to remain hair-free for as long as possible, you really should grow the hair for three to four weeks before getting waxed. That means NO shaving in between – if you don't let it grow long enough then not only will it really hurt when you're being waxed, but you won't get a smooth finish, and the hair will start to grow back before you know it.

3: Leave it to a pro or risk bruising

Don't try to wax yourself at home unless you've done it many times before, as you'll end up with bruised skin. By the time you pay out for the home waxing kits (and get wax all over the bedroom), it's really not worth it.

4: Choose a skilled waxer

ALL salons offer waxing but not all of them do it well. A intimate wax shouldn't be intimidating, but you'll want to find a therapist who's had specific training – shockingly most therapists have had no proper training in intimate waxing at all. You shouldn't have to ask for thoroughness – experts do this every day so just leave it all to them.

5: Only accept hot wax

Check that your salon uses only HOT wax on sensitive areas such as the bikini, underarms and face. Some salons will say they do and when you get there they use strip wax. Hot wax is a thick wax that they apply and then remove with just their hand. Strip wax is wonderful but shouldn't be used on the areas mentioned as it's not as gentle, and can leave you feeling sore. If they don't use hot wax on for bikini, Hollywood or Brazilian waxing then run for the hills.

6: Don't swim for 24 hours

If you've had a pre-holiday wax, keep up the moisturising while you're away as pool and seawater can be very drying. Follow your salon's aftercare advice and don't go swimming until 24hrs after your waxing to avoid infections.

7: Be VERY careful when sunbathing

Whatever you do, DO NOT expose the waxed body parts to the sun until 24-48 hours after your waxing as this sensitive skin will easily burn and you could be left with permanent pigmentation marks (dark brown patches). If you start to feel freshly waxed areas tingling when sunbathing then apply a higher SPF, this is especially important on the upper lip.

8: How to deal with ingrown hairs

Red lumps under the skin indicate ingrown hairs, which can happen as a result of poor aftercare, so practice gentle exfoliation as advised by your salon.

 10: Look behind you!

Remember that there are two sides to every story and in this case I'm talking about your backside. A good Hollywood / Brazilian wax should remove the hair from your buttocks AND the inside of your butt.

To book your next (or first) waxing treatment at waxing me pretty cheltenham get in touch with us on:

Cheltenham  07544563471

Or book online plus you can keep up to date with all our special offers and waxing me pretty cheltenham news by following us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram