Prep Your Skin for Summer

Prep Your Skin for Summer

Show off your skin with confidence this summer!

For gorgeous, smooth skin you'll feel ready to bare, you need to take a few simple steps.

Try this head-to-toe refresher to take your skin out of hibernation.

 1. Reveal Glowing Skin

Regular exfoliation can be a part of a healthy skin regimen no matter the season; as long as your skin is not sensitive, exfoliation can help you achieve smooth, healthy-looking skin that makes you look more glowing and youthful. “But it must be done with care,” says Doris Day, MD, a dermatologist in New York City. “The goal is to lift off the outer layer of skin cells that are ready to be sloughed off without stripping the skin.”

Brushes, polishing cloths, and scrubs offer easy ways to smooth away rough spots. Rotating cleansing brushes work by physically buffing off the dead skin cells. Exfoliating cloths, microdermabrasion kits, and scrubs with granular ingredients also operate the same way. “For the body, look for a scrub that contains coarse particles that dissolve over time, like sugar, so you don’t irritate the skin,” says Dr. Day.

Products that chemically exfoliate the skin contain ingredients such as glycolic, salicylic, or polyhydroxy acids that cause the skin to shed its outer layer and reveal the newer layer.

 2. Remove Hair Without Irritation

If your summer forecast calls for sunny days at the beach or poolside, you may be putting some effort into removing unwanted hair. But once you rip off the wax strip, it’s also important to care for the skin that’s newly exposed to the elements.

Give your skin some time to recover before rolling out your beach towel or getting active outdoors. “I advise clients to stay out of the sun or heat for at least 48 hours after any hair-removal process,” says Cindy Barshop, owner of Completely Bare spas. “Follicles are vulnerable to irritation, and skin may be sensitive due to any heat or friction from lasers, waxing, or shaving.”

Since most of us don’t plan our hair removal that far in advance, buffer your tender skin with an oil-free sunscreen, wait for it to dry (about 5 minutes), and dust on some talc-free baby powder, says Barshop. To prevent ingrown hairs, it’s helpful to wear loose-fitting clothing and use an after-waxing product that contains glycolic and salicylic acids, which team up to prevent dead skin cells from causing bothersome bumps.

3. Fight UV Rays With Food

All the work you put into making your skin look good won’t be worth it unless you guard it from the sun’s damaging rays, which are strongest during the summer. Surprisingly, you can protect yourself from the inside, too. “In addition to using sunscreen, eat cooked tomatoes every day if you know you’re going to be in the sun,” says Jessica Wu, MD, assistant clinical professor of dermatology at USC Medical School. According to research, cooked tomatoes are rich in lycopene, an antioxidant that helps fight the effects of UV rays such as redness, swelling, and blistering from sunburn. If you plan to spend a lot of time outdoors, you may benefit from consuming tomato sauce, grilled tomatoes, or even Bloody Marys. “This doesn’t replace sunscreen, but the habit could give you additional protection if you can’t reach your back and miss a spot,” Dr. Wu adds.

4. Clear Up Body Breakouts

It’s no better to have acne on your body than on the face, especially in the heat, when hiding and covering up isn’t an option. The approach to treating acne on the back, chest, and elsewhere on the body is the same as treating facial acne: “Exfoliate regularly, don’t pick, and treat with effective ingredients,” says Day.

Washing with products that contain salicylic acid helps slough off the dead skin cells; a treatment product with micronized benzoyl peroxide can also help by penetrating the skin and killing off the bacteria that cause acne.

If your skin is sensitive, investing in an acne-treating blue light tool may be worth the cost. “You simply wave the light wand over skin for five minutes daily and it helps kill bacteria,” says Leslie Baumann, MD, a dermatologist in Miami. If you have severe body acne, see a dermatologist.

 5. Erase Cellulite

First, the good news: Some products may be able to smooth out the undesirable dimples and unevenness of cellulite. The bad news: They won’t get rid of cellulite forever. The smoothing and toning effect, like many good things in life, is fleeting. Still, it may be worth slathering on a toning body lotion to make your skin look and feel tighter for a day at the beach or a special event.

“Products that contain caffeine and theophylline temporarily dehydrate fat cells,” says Dr. Baumann. “However, it’s the massage and the application of the cream that does the work.” The best course of action long-term is to exercise regularly, coupled with targeted massage, suggests Baumann.

Another way to hide cellulite is to apply a fake tan. Take advantage of the newest self-tanners, which have come a long way from the strong-smelling streaky creams or sprays of yesteryear. “There has been so much progress in the formulations — the colors are natural, there’s no streaking, and the scent is so much better,” says Day.

 6. Treat Your Feet

If you’ve stuffed your feet inside boots all winter, they probably could use a little TLC for sandal weather. Jump-start your program with a salon pedicure, or if you’re short on time, you can heed Day’s DIY tip, which will help soften feet while you sleep. First, remove thicker skin with a foot file. Apply a rich emollient cream or ointment, then cover the feet in plastic wrap and cotton socks. Leave on overnight. Repeat every day until you achieve smooth skin, then once a week to maintain soft skin.

Further reading:

To book your next (or first) waxing treatment at waxing me pretty cheltenham get in touch with us on:

Cheltenham  07544563471

Or book online plus you can keep up to date with all our special offers and waxing me pretty cheltenham news by following us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

For The Most Effective & Painless Waxing Experience.

For The Most Effective & Painless Waxing Experience.

7 Things You Should Avoid

When it comes to hair removal, waxing is one of the more low-maintenance options.

Sure, it can be a little more expensive than simply shaving, but the results last anywhere from four to six weeks.

So once you do it, you won't have to worry about stubble for a while.

For peace of mind there are things you shouldn't do when you wax. Not life-altering things, of course, but to make sure you have the best results and most pleasant experience, you might have to temporarily give up a few indulgences.

Don't worry though, most of the things you shouldn't do when waxing are only for that one day, if not just the few hours surrounding the actual treatment. So in basically no time at all, you can be back to doing you, just with smoother skin. Just make sure that you plan your wax so that it won't interfere with you needing to do any of the things you really shouldn't be doing. To ensure the best and longest-lasting results, along with the most painless experience possible, here are the seven things you should try to avoid when you wax.

1. Drink Coffee or Alcohol

While it might seem like it could calm your nerves, it's not a good idea to drink coffee or alcohol before a wax. These will increase your skin's sensitivity, potentially making waxing more painful. So drink water instead. Staying hydrated can help waxing be less painful and more effective.

2. Tanning

Whether in the sun or with a self-tanner, most salons will advise you to avoid tanning the day before or after your wax. Sun tanning before a wax can make the skin more sensitive and the wax more painful. Sun tanning after a wax runs a higher risk of burning the sensitive areas (and loading up on SPF might just clog the pores). On the other hand, self-tanning before a wax can result in weird, patchy areas afterwards; whereas self-tanning after a wax can result in some of those chemicals getting into your bloodstream if you have any broken skin.

3. Swimming

Chlorinated or salt water can be very drying for the skin, and it's important to stay moisturized and hydrated for the most painless and effective wax. So if you can help it, don't go for a swim the day before a wax (and make sure to heavily moisturize during the week leading up to it). After a wax? Avoid swimming for at least 24 hours so the skin has time to heal, and you're less at-risk for any infections.

4. Working Out

After waxing, the skin is more susceptible to irritation (and therefore in growns), and the open follicles are more susceptible to bacterial infection. This means that it's best to avoid anything that could cause excess friction or sweat — working out, saunas, even sex for at least 24 hours after waxing.

5. Wearing Tight Clothes

In the same vein, it's also important to ditch the tight-fitting clothes right after a wax. Anything that hugs your body too tightly is going to rub against your skin more (causing irritation), and could trap more moisture (which could lead to a bacterial infection). For the quickest recovery, rock your favorite pair of sweats, pjs, or even a skirt.

6. Your Period

The few days leading up to your period is a time when your skin is more sensitive than usual, meaning a wax is likely to be more painful than usual. So if it's your first time, aim for a different time of the month. However, if you want to become a regular waxer, and it happens to fall near or on your period, you don't have to skip your appointment. Regularly waxing makes hairs grow back finer, therefore making it an easier and less painful process over time.

7. Shaving

For a successful wax, your hair should be at least one-quarter inch long. Which means that it's best to stop shaving at least five days prior to waxing. And even though it might be tempting to shave off some stubble in-between waxes, if you plan to make waxing routine, just say no to the razor.

Further reading:

To book your next (or first) waxing treatment at waxing me pretty cheltenham get in touch with us on:

Cheltenham  07544563471

Or book online plus you can keep up to date with all our special offers and waxing me pretty cheltenham news by following us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Going For Your First Brazilian Wax. What to Expect?

Going For Your First Brazilian Wax. What to Expect?

With bathing suit season fast approaching and the official start of spring.

I know some of you are thinking of heading to get your first ever Brazilian wax or Hollywood wax.

Here’s a rundown of what the process is like:

First, yes, you have to strip your lower half bare. While some places keep disposable undies on hand for regular bikini waxes, they just get in the way for a Brazilian wax or Hollywood wax.

Now, as to how much and where the hair will be removed. Some places call different styles different things, but basically you have 2 options:

1. Brazilian - Going for a little “landing strip” which means you have just a bit left right down the centre.

2. Hollywood - Going totally bare. It’s up to you. Just let your wax therapist know your preference upfront.

And that’s it! Total time: Anywhere from about 30 - 40 minutes.

Our speciality is Brazilian & Hollywood waxing. We use the only finest best quality hot wax. Trained by the best in the business. Having a Brazilian wax / Hollywood wax for the first time can be quite daunting, I promise the results are more than worth it! One Brazilian wax / Hollywood wax and you will be hooked.

So there you have it, If you have anything else at all that you’d like to ask us prior to your first time at Waxing Me Pretty, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch, either by calling us on 07544563471or by email: Otherwise, we look forward to seeing you for your first wax very soon!

To book your next (or first) waxing treatment at waxing me pretty cheltenham get in touch with us on:

Cheltenham  07544563471

Or book online plus you can keep up to date with all our special offers and waxing me pretty cheltenham news by following us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Post-Waxing Aftercare

Post-Waxing Aftercare

The Importance of Staying Smooth

 “Scrub and Rub” is our mantra when it comes to post-waxing aftercare. By this, we mean exfoliate and moisturise regularly in order to prevent those oh-so-unsightly ingrown hairs that can blight an otherwise perfectly preened private part. After all, what’s the point in spending all that time and money finding a reputable salon and the best waxing therapist who can give you the perfect Brazilian, if you are not going to continue the care at home?

Any waxing salon worth its salt will guide you through the necessary aftercare procedures. Most will also sell the products they recommend. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for the customer to disregard any advice given in salon, viewing it as a sales pitch with the sole aim of tricking them into spending more money. This could be partly due to the manner in which the aftercare advice is delivered, potentially highlighting a training issue that salon managers need to address, exacerbated by inherent skepticism on the part of the customer.

Customers are of course free to buy their aftercare products from wherever they like. But care does need to be taken that the appropriate lotions and potions are applied to the appropriate areas. For example, products containing antiseptic properties such as tea tree oil and dead sea salts are recommended to prevent any post-wax infections developing in the hair follicles. Anything highly-scented or perfumed, on the other hand, which is prevalent among moisturisers, exfoliaters and bathing products should be avoided, especially when applied to ‘intimate’ areas after a Brazilian or Hollywood wax.

Here are our top five tips for maintaining bump-free skin in between waxes:

1.    Moisturise the waxed area regularly, preferably with a cream containing antiseptic properties such as tea tree oil, aloe vera and witch-hazel, which will also help to alleviate any irritation. Ingrown hairs are often caused by dry or flaky skin, which does not allow the hairs to grow through. If you are moisturising your intimate bits, be sure to use an appropriate cream or oil that won’t aggravate these most sensitive of areas.

2.    Exfoliate the waxed area several times a week to get rid of dead skin cells. Again, if it’s an intimate area, make sure you choose a suitable scrub that is not highly perfumed. The exfoliator needs to be grainy enough to have an effect, but not so harsh that will irritate your skin or make it sore. In fact, over-exfoliation or the use of an unsuitable scrub will graze the skin and may actually cause ingrown hairs, rather than prevent them.

3.    Dead sea salt used as bath salts can help prevent infection as can anti-bacterial shower gels. Dead sea salt baths may sting in the first 24 hours after waxing, but could be used several times a week thereafter in the week immediately following your wax.

4.    Exfoliating mitts can be used in the shower but these must be kept clean and dry, and should be replaced regularly. These are especially useful for men exfoliating areas such as their backs and chests after waxing. For non-intimate areas of the body, dry brushing can have a useful exfoliating effect.

5.    Some people find that rubbing antiseptic cream into the waxed area for 3 days after treatment soothes and protects the skin. Always wash your hands before applying any product.

And remember…

·       No fake tans, massages, extreme heat treatments (e.g. very hot baths or showers, saunas, steam rooms), swimming, sunbathing (including sun beds or any other exposure to UV light) or tight clothing for 24-48 hours.

·       Try and avoid exercise for 24 hours as getting sweaty could clog the hair follicles. Do not scratch or touch the area with unwashed hands.

·       Avoid applying deodorant, anything perfumed or make-up to the waxed area for 24 hours.

Finally, in the unlikely event that your skin has not returned to normal after 24 hours, seek advice from your GP in case you have had an allergic reaction to the wax or in case an infection is developing.

So there you have it, If you have anything else at all that you’d like to ask us prior to your first time at waxing me pretty cheltenham, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch, either by calling us on 07544563471or by email: Otherwise, we look forward to seeing you for your first wax very soon!

Are you asking for the 'full bush Brazilian'?

Are you asking for the 'full bush Brazilian'?

Tailor-making your bikini wax is the new trend for the hair down there

Is hairiness back for good? Or it is just the beauty take on the 70s fashion revival? Alongside armpit hair hitting the red carpet are getting Full Bush Brazilian waxes.

Hold up – what?

Our American sisters have coined the trend, which refers to the bikini line and bum bit being waxed bare, with a fuller bush left to flourish on top. Like beachy waves; it looks effortless but is precisely orchestrated.

We spoke to the experts Kim Lawless AKA Waxing Queen, who confirmed the trend is taking off here, too.

"We have seen a movement with regards to more hair wanted in the bikini area," Director Maria-Louise Featherstone said. "We still class a Brazilian as everything removed from underneath but on top it is up to the client if she would like a strip of hair left or a triangle." This has led to the "tailor made bikini wax".

So if you don't already, it's totally fine to go off piste with your wax. Some clients are directing our waxing therapists whilst on the bed to exactly what hair they would like removed and what hair they would like left behind.

During this busy bikini-sporting season, most requested bikini wax is still "by far" the 'Brazilian' (think landing strip if you can't already picture it).

Also on offer are the 'Hollywood' (ALL off), the 'G-String' (where a triangle of hair is left) and the 'Basic Bikini' tidy-up, which should suffice for the high-waisted swimwear shoppers out there.

Whether the 'Full Bush' will grow big enough to be on your waxing menu remains to be seen.

To book your next (or first) waxing treatment at waxing me pretty cheltenham get in touch with us on:

Cheltenham  07544563471

Or book online plus you can keep up to date with all our special offers and waxing me pretty cheltenham news by following us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

5 Ways to Tell If Your Waxing Salon Is Legit

5 Ways to Tell If Your Waxing Salon Is Legit

Leave bad wax experiences behind by vetting your aesthetician with tips straight from the pros

We've all likely been there: walking out of a salon with eyebrows that look like something out of a horror movie. It's no fun.

But bad waxes are avoidable—if you know what to look for in both a professional and a studio, that is. Kiss over-plucked, thinned out brows goodbye for good. With these suggestions, you'll be on your way to your best hair removal experience yet.

Judge Messy Spaces
"My number one tell tale sign about how experienced your waxer is—and if you actually want to stay on his or her table or not—is how clean their studio and work station is.

Think about it: Being whisked away to a scary room in the back of a nail salon only to be left in terror with popsicle sticks poking out of wax pots and no sign of hand sanitizer anywhere is no way to spend your money, she says. (Plus, not only is this gross—it's unhealthy.)

What to look for: "All of the equipment should appear to be clean and organized, There should be a clean paper sheet on the table and all sticks, strips, and rollers should be unused."

Yelp It
While this may not be ground breaking, online resources like Yelp are fantastic for finding great people in the cosmetic service industry,

What not to do? "Don't call the spa or salon and ask the receptionist who their 'best waxer' "I've worked in many a high end salon and often the receptionist will just recommend their newest person since he or she hasn't built their own clientele yet. Do your own research."

Make Sure They Specialize
You wouldn't want a heart surgeon who focused on other areas of medicine, too—would you? There's a lot to be said for perfecting your practice. That's why the number one feature to look for is a wax specialist who only waxes. "Some people who wax also do nails and hair. You want a technician who has perfected their craft to ensure they know exactly what they're doing."

Quiz Your Waxer
Asking questions is a good way to get to know your aesthetician but also gauge their level of knowledge. Ask them how long they've been waxing, if they use a pre- and post-wax treatment, or how to properly maintain your skin between waxes. "If you aren't satisfied with the answer or you don't feel it was an educated answer, don't continue with the service.”

Look Out for Laziness
Cheap supplies—sticks that break in half, for example—can be signs that your technician is cutting corners, And this usually means she is cutting corners that concern sanitation as well. (Ew.) Another red flag: "Your wax technician should never, ever double dip in the wax pot. Double dipping is a sign she doesn't know what she's doing or she doesn't care enough about what she does to do it properly."

To book your next (or first) waxing treatment at waxing me pretty cheltenham get in touch with us on:

Cheltenham  07544563471

Or book online plus you can keep up to date with all our special offers and waxing me pretty cheltenham news by following us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

8 Insider secrets for a painless wax and a bump free recovery.

8 Insider secrets for a painless wax and a bump free recovery.

The secrets to easing the sting of a wax.

Treating yourself with TLC afterward.

1. Come prepared.

"Like brushing your teeth before you go to the dentist, come to your waxing appointment with clean, dry skin. And for best results, skip the lotion the day of your wax."

2. ...And come hairy.

"Stop shaving two to three weeks before you plan to get waxed. Your hair needs to be long enough to lie flat on your skin, which is approximately a quarter-inch long. If you're a 'shaver,' the tendency is for the hairs to grow back unevenly, since we can all miss a few patches here and there. The longer you wait after your last shave, the more you will reduce the chance of stubble after your wax. (This happens when hairs that are too short get waxed and aren't able to be effectively removed from the root.)"

3. If you're getting a bikini wax, make sure you're not on your period

"Generally, it is best to get a bikini treatment at least a few days before or after your period; the closer you get to your actual period, the more sensitive your body becomes and your immune system is lowered."

4. Take the edge off.

"If you tend to have a very low threshold for pain, try popping an Advil or Tylenol about 20 minutes before your treatment. If you find that you just get a little anxious, a nice glass of wine could do the trick. But, please note: Moderation is key, as alcohol thins the blood."

 5. Wax only what you can see.

"If you've opted to DIY your wax, make sure you can see the area you are applying wax to, to ensure proper application, but also to prevent injury. Chances are, if you can't see it, things are more likely to go awry, which can result in unflattering bruising and/or other skin traumas. Instead, grab a mirror or a buddy to help. The 'You wax mine, I'll wax yours' concept works well and can also provide some memorable entertainment."

 6. 48 hours of rest is best.

"For optimally smooth skin, allow your skin the time it needs after your wax. Avoid the 4 S's for the first couple of days: Sun, Sauna/Steam Room, Synthetics, and Sex. Here's why:

 •No Sun: During a waxing service, the top layers of your skin can be removed in the process, which can heighten your sensitivity to the sun and increase your chances of sunburn.

•No Sauna/Steam Room: It's best to avoid extreme heat post treatment. Waxing can heat up the body, so cool it down afterward with a cold compress instead of a scalding hot shower.

•No Synthetics: Wear looser clothing and natural fabrics, like cotton, so that skin can breathe easy as it calms down post treatment. Also, you may want to shy away from thongs to prevent added irritation after a freshly waxed bikini.

 •No Sex: This one may seem counterintuitive, but medical experts recommend abstaining from sexual activity for the first 48 hours after any type of bikini wax. This time period is when your body is most susceptible to outside bacteria that can potentially cause an infection, not to mention more sensitivity (and not the sexy kind)."

7. Get SET for your smoothest skin ever.

"Post-wax, remember the acronym SET, which stands for Soothe, Exfoliate, Treat.

•Soothe: For the first two days post wax, if you experience irritation or prolonged redness, try applying a cold compress or a topical treatment. Also, be mindful to keep the area clean.

 •Exfoliate: Like brushing your teeth to prevent cavities, exfoliating on a daily basis is essential for helping to prevent ingrown hairs. After hair removal, dead upper layers of skin can build up and trap hairs. When these trapped hairs can't grow out, they grow back in, resulting in ugly bumps, which can be the early sign of ingrown hairs. For daily prevention, simply replace your washcloth with an exfoliating cloth and use in the shower with your favorite body wash.]

 •Treat: As much as we try to prevent them, ingrowns can still happen as a result of tight clothing (e.g., leggings), the texture of your hair, and/or your skin type. Apply a topical exfoliating product daily after you get out of the shower (when your skin is most absorbent for soaking up product). Use it once a day for mild to moderate ingrowns, or twice a day for more severe and stubborn ones."

 8. Keep at it.

"Schedule your waxing appointments about a month apart, exfoliate between visits, and don't shave for the best results! If you get your routine down pat, you'll find your waxes to also be less painful since the hair is typically at its ideal growth between weeks three and five. If you wait longer, the hair is longer and tends to make the removal process more intense." 

Further reading:

To book your next (or first) waxing treatment at waxing me pretty cheltenham get in touch with us on:

Cheltenham  07544563471

Or book online plus you can keep up to date with all our special offers and waxing me pretty cheltenham news by following us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

What to expect the first time you get a bikini wax

What to expect the first time you get a bikini wax

Never fancied hot wax on your lady bits? For the first-timers or plain curious, here's what goes on behind the doors…

intimate waxing is a pretty standard grooming habit for thousands of women who routinely book a session every month.

If you're a waxing virgin but have been thinking of giving it a go, here's the lowdown on exactly what happens once you get over the basic embarrassment of showing your pants to a total stranger. 

• Every one feels a bit self-conscious, especially the first few times. But remember, beauty therapists have seen it ALL before and perform bikini waxes every day. Worrying about whether you're too hairy / not hairy enough / have rubbish knickers on is all very normal but very unnecessary.

• The categories of bikini wax based on how much hair is removed and priced accordingly. The classic shape is the 'Bikini' and involves a simple tidy up of hair at the front and a bit down below, so that it doesn't extend beyond your knicker line – just enough to get you bikini-ready (this is the ideal wax for first-timers). The 'Brazilian' involves a lot more hair removal – typically leaving just a 'landing strip' of hair at the front and all hair removed down below and even round the back! The 'Hollywood' is total hair removal, front to back. Many salons offer a 'High Bikini' or 'G String' wax which is a little more thorough than your classic 'Bikini' shape and includes hair removed from the top to take your strip down in length.

• The therapist will ask you to lie down on a salon bed/couch and remove your clothes below the waist. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO TAKE YOUR PANTS OFF IF YOU DON'T WANT TO (and most people don't)! They are very adept at working around your knickers to protect your modesty).

• If you want a thorough wax like a Brazilian or Hollywood the therapist may find it easier if you remove your pants or offer you some disposable pants instead.

• Finally, a soothing cream is applied all over. This bit feels really nice. She'll leave the room to let you get dressed.

• BRAVO! You are now gorgeously hair-free and low-maintenance for about 3-4 weeks before you're ready for your next session.

Further reading:

To book your next (or first) waxing treatment at waxing me pretty cheltenham get in touch with us on:

Cheltenham  07544563471

Or book online plus you can keep up to date with all our special offers and waxing me pretty cheltenham news by following us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

A guide to preparing yourself for your waxing appointment

A guide to preparing yourself for your waxing appointment

Ah, the things we do for beauty and in the case of body waxing.

Hair removal is not something new for women with its increase in popularity Brazilian Waxing is a highly requested service.

Hair needs time to grow to go!
Getting a last minute Wax appointment might seem like a great idea but if you shaved your legs last week you’re wasting your money and time, At least 5mm of hair is needed for the Wax to pick it up, this takes most people between three to four weeks to grow so be brave and put down that razor. Shaved hair is courser and the wax treatment is likely to be more painful if you’re a regular shaver so the longer you leave the hair to grow the better. When you shave, your hair will be at different stages of growth so it will take a couple of waxes to get everything growing at the same rate, once you have this you’ll get smoother results that last longer.

Trail run
If you’re planning a holiday or a wedding or any other special occasion it’s best to try out waxing in advance to make sure it’s right for you, whether you can follow the aftercare of exfoliation and moisturising, to make sure you don’t have any extreme reactions (very rare) and most importantly to time it right so your next wax gives you the great results you want for your big event.

Take a Break
If you’re a Gym Bunny, you do a pole dancing class or you love a swim you’ll want to give these activities a break after your wax, 48 hours for the first wax treatment, as you will want to gage how your skin reacts after waxing. Why? Waxing removes hair from the root leaving you with open follicles if you pop down the gym and get a sweat on too soon after a wax you are likely to get a rash, spots or itchiness and if you’re very lucky all three!

As well as aftercare I recommend you exfoliate right before the wax treatment, this will get rid of dead skin cells which will help free up any ingrown hair giving you a better result. I love Exfoliating cloths for this.

Don’t come to your appointment glugging down a can of Coke, caffeine can heighten sensitivity making your wax treatment more painful. If you’re a big baby you may want to try Perron Rigot’s Pre cooling gel that is applied 45mins before and takes out the ‘Ouch’

Find a Parking spot
If its your first appointment with me come in good time, you don’t want to be panicked and hot and sweaty so pop on your sat nav, find a parking spot and arrive ten minute before your appointment time, this will allow you to fill out a New client card and have a flick through a magazine. I book out a specific amount of time for each treatment and try not to keep clients waiting so arriving even just five minutes late may cause you to lose your booking. I will charge 50% of the fee for this.

Ask Away
There is plenty of time to talk during your appointment so please ask away, anything and everything. You’ll leave with after care instructions but do feel free to call or text if you want to ask anything after your appointment.

To book your next (or first) waxing treatment at waxing me pretty cheltenham get in touch with us on:

Cheltenham  07544563471

Or book online plus you can keep up to date with all our special offers and waxing me pretty cheltenham news by following us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

A Guide to Hollywood, Brazilian, & Bikini Waxing

A Guide to Hollywood, Brazilian, & Bikini Waxing

You’ve ‘Plucked’ up the courage, you read about it in glossy magazines, you’ve chatted with your girlfriends, and your partner is eagerly awaiting your new look. 

But you leave the salon with the hair you wanted off still in your pants. Such poor service!!

I strongly feel that if a therapist has an issue with nudity they should not be advertising and taking bookings for intimate waxing such as a Hollywood. It’s a knickers off job. End of. In fact I’d prefer it if everyone just got their knickers off then they aren’t in the way and I can get a nice line on a basic bikini, but I accept not everyone is ok about nudity and if you want to preserve your modesty you’re fully entitled to.  However if it’s your therapist that is modest,

Here is very detailed description of what should be included in your service.

Hollywood Wax - When you have a Hollywood Wax ALL pubic hair should be removed From Front to back, inside out.  So that’s your butt crack, I do this with my client on all fours, it’s quick, requires no assistance from the client and gives easy access to the area to be waxed. It’s not embarrassing (ok maybe the first time) and over with quickly. I also include the Butt cheeks in a Hollywood or any wax where we wax the Butt crack, whether the entire butt is covered in hair or it’s patchy, it’s coming off and I’m not mentioning it or charging extra after all who wants to be told they have a hairy bum! This won’t be included in all Hollywood’s so read the menu of your therapist. The hair from the front is also removed and most importantly from underneath, There are plenty of Salons out there that will just take the hair outta your pubic mound and kick you out the door with your ‘Hollywood’ almost like being booted off the plane over the Atlantic!  How disappointing. The hair should be removed from the Inner and outer Labia, inner labia don’t grow hair it just grows inwards from the outer labia and it’s this hair that women tell me has been left by their therapists in the past.

Brazilian Wax - It’s exactly the same as a Hollywood only with a Landing strip, a neat little stripe is fashioned on your pubic mound once ALL hair has been removed from underneath to back and the labia.

Extended Bikini Wax - It’s just another inch waxed on the basic bikini, the crease of leg and a tad more, no bums in the air, no nudity-perfect for a day beside the seaside in a nice M&S one piece!

Basic Bikini Wax - The Crease of leg is waxed. That’s it.

If you’re a bit awkward about these things ask in advance what is included in your treatment, the last thing you want is to be on the bed with your bum in the air thinking ‘What in God’s name is happening’ or on the other end of the spectrum asking the therapist to wax your butt and having her flatly refuse as happened to one of my lovely clients before coming to me.

Happy waxing Girls!

To book your next (or first) waxing treatment at waxing me pretty cheltenham get in touch with us on:

Cheltenham  07544563471

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